Al-Malath Charitable Society is raising funds in order to purchase big sensory balls, a rotating disco ball projector, finger paints, wireless bubble tubes, and stretching strings in order to better equip and improve the sensory room.

Al-Malath Charitable Society
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A charity for people with intellectual disabilities.

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Donating will help us continue in providing our beneficiaries with the care and support they need.
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Fused Glass Coaster
Beautiful hand made recycled glass coasters. Our beneficiaries made these special coasters for a sustainable income of our charity.
Contact Us to Buy it for $5our causes
The funds raised will go to the causes listed below
Al-Malath Charitable Society is looking to procure funds to purchase puzzles, medical dough, sensory balls, fine motor boards, Lego, a wooden tool toy toolbox, and lacing beads for occupational therapy.
Al-Malath Charitable Society needs funds in order to provide its beneficiaries with new kitchen utensils.
What people say

It was a dream and it became a wonderful reality. It was a dream for me and a group of mothers, parents and supporters of this project to establish a safe place which provides care and training to our children with intellectual disabilities over the age of 16. Despite many challenges, and with determination this association was born in 2010 in a rented apartment and with only three beneficiaries. With hard work and dedication, the Center has reached its current state. We are proud of those who are responsible for it, its employees and its supporters.

I'm a widower for 13 years. I've 3 daughters. Two of them have intellectual disabilities, the other one is married. they are 22 and 24 years old. They have been admitted to al-malath since 6 years. The society has a strategic site and it has comfortable and safe pathways inside and between the rooms. There are several therapeutic rooms inside which contain occupational, physical, and special education sections. In addition, the society has an outdoor gym and sensory room for relaxation. My daughters participate in all activities inside and outside the community. A noticeable and clear improvement was shown in their behaviour and communication skills. They are now independent in most activities of daily living. I'd like to keep them visiting al-malath as much as they need